CUS History and Education

What to Know
  1. Define focused emergency ultrasound (EUS), point of care ultrasound (POCUS), focused cardiac ultrasound (FOCUS), and clinical ultrasound (CUS).
  2. List the common and new CUS applications.
  3. Explain the support for CUS from affiliated specialty and general medical organizations.
  4. Define training pathways to develop proficiency in CUS.

What to Read: Introduction to Bedside Ultrasound
Free iBook download Vol 1 and Vol 2
34: Administration
33: Prehospital Care
35: Medical School Ultrasound Integration

Where to Learn More
  1. Consensus. ACEP Emergency ultrasound guidelines. Ann Emerg Med. 2009;53(4):550–570.
  2. Lewiss RE, Tayal VS, Hoffmann B, et al. The Core Content of Clinical Ultrasonography Fellowship Training. 2014:456-461.

The Age Old Ultrasound Analogy: Using Pulsed Sound Waves to Explore the Space. Thank you Will. Initially, CUS was just as well received. But now CUS is the music.  

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